
Flossing is an essential aspect of dental care. While brushing scrubs food particles away from the surfaces of teeth, only flossing can extract the buildup caught between them. Although you already have a general idea of how to floss, most dental patients can benefit from a refresher.

How to Floss the Right Way

1. Grab Enough Floss

To ensure you have enough floss to use a clean section for each tooth, grab a length of at least 18 inches. For a quick reference, pull out a string of floss that’s roughly the length of your forearm and hand combined.

2. Wind It Around Your Fingers

dental careNext, wrap the floss around your two middle fingers. Put most of the floss on one finger, and a shorter amount on the other. The hand with less floss will pick up the used length as you go along.

3. Hold It Taut

After you’ve wrapped the floss, grab a small section between the two middle fingers with your thumbs. Be sure to hold it taut as the stiffness will allow the string to glide smoothly between the teeth.

4. Wrap the It Gently Around the Tooth

When you’re ready to begin, slide the floss between the teeth and wrap it around the base of each tooth in a “C” motion. Move slowly and gently, and never snap the floss quickly, as doing so can injure your gums.

5. Move on to a New Section

After you’ve flossed one tooth, move on to the next using a new, clean section of floss. Avoid reusing the same area of the string because you can transfer food particles and bacteria to the place you’re trying to clean.


Learning to floss correctly is necessary, but it’s only one aspect of comprehensive dental care. If you’re due for a cleaning and exam, contact the team at the Implant Center of Maui in Kahului, HI. For over 30 years, this practice has provided preventive care and dental tips to patients across the island. To schedule an exam, book online or call (808) 877-3606.
