
From parakeets and cockatiels to Amazons and cockatoos, birds make unique pets with a lot of personality. They also require a LOT more attention than many people realize, so make sure you can provide a proper home before acquiring a feathered friend. If your bird gets sick, you want to help them. Remember that birds will hide illness until the very last stages, so regular veterinary health exams including labwork are crucial. Identifying signs of avian health problems so you can get them the veterinary care they need is the first step. Learn about five contagious issues that may impact birds below.

5 Contagious Illnesses in Birds

1. Pacheco's Disease

This highly contagious and sometimes fatal disease is caused by a herpesvirus. It affects parrots. Symptoms include lethargy, tremors, and diarrhea, sometimes with discolored feces. At-risk birds (like those in pet stores) should be vaccinated, and any bird who survives an infection should be quarantined from other birds for at least 2 months. Stress can trigger the virus to reappear and your bird’s dander and droppings can be a source of infection to other birds. 

2. Candidiasis

veterinary careAlso known as thrush, this condition is caused by an overgrowth of candida yeast. It leads to white lesions in the mouth. Other symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and loss of appetite. It can be treated with anti-fungal medication.

3. Giardiasis

Symptoms include diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite. Your bird may also nibble at their skin or pluck their feathers because they're itchy. A veterinarian can provide medication to control the giardia, although it can be difficult to eliminate entirely. 

4. Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease

A circovirus causes Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease. Symptoms include skin lesions and abnormal feather and beak growth. Unfortunately, there is no cure, and PBFD is usually fatal. Quarantining or euthanizing affected birds keeps others safe, and all nesting materials should be burned to prevent spread.

5. Polyomavirus

A viral infection, this illness primarily affects young birds and is often fatal. You may notice abnormal feather growth or see that a tail or wing feather fails to develop completely. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, regurgitation, diarrhea, and paralysis. As there is no cure, it’s crucial to isolate infected birds.

Unfortunately, many of the viruses that affect our pet birds can be fatal. Protect your flock by limiting your contact with other birds, and always quarantine a new bird in a separate room for at least a month before making any introductions. Blood tests are available to screen for some of these diseases before bringing new birds together.

Montgomery Animal Hospital of Cincinnati, OH, offers comprehensive care for cats, dogs, birds, and exotic animals. This veterinary clinic has been in business for over 65 years, providing committed, compassionate service to feathered and furry friends alike. They are AAHA accredited—a standard that only 12% of veterinary care professionals attain and which they uphold through regular inspections. Visit their website to review their veterinary care services. For an appointment, call (513) 791-7912.
