
A child needs a healthy lunch to fuel them for the afternoon ahead and help them better focus and concentrate, but a well-balanced lunch is also essential to maintaining good dental care. During the rush of a busy morning, it can be tempting to toss unhealthy snacks or junk food into a child's lunchbox, but these items will only set a bad example while promoting tooth decay and cavities. To best support your child's oral health, pack kid-approved lunchbox staples like the following.

Healthy Treats for Kid’s School Lunchboxes

1. Vegetable Sticks

Small sticks of crunchy vegetables like carrots and celery are excellent for a child's lunch. They’re firm and fibrous, so they naturally remove tooth plaque and bits of food stuck on the teeth. They require plenty of chewing, which produces more saliva to further rinse the teeth and gums, and they have a high water content, which keeps the mouth hydrated and nourished.

dental careIf your child is resistant to vegetables, consider packing a small container of hummus or salsa to accompany the crudité.

2. Bite-Size Cheese Cubes

Cheese is an ideal source of calcium, an important ingredient for strong teeth. It also increases saliva production to help eliminate some of the mouth bacteria that can hinder your child's oral health. Fill a small baggie or container with a handful of cheese cubes, and your child will have easy access to a healthy and nourishing lunchtime treat.

3. Apples

Like many crisp vegetables, apples work as natural tooth-scrubber. They’re easy to throw into a lunchbox, and they can replace those sugar-heavy desserts that lead to cavities and other dental care challenges. While fruits do contain natural sugars, they don't possess nearly the amount of damaging sugars as junk food, so they’re a sweet and satisfying way to top off a child's lunch.


In addition to healthy meals and daily brushing and flossing, your child should see a dentist regularly. For over 30 years, Lowitz & Meier have been serving patients of all ages throughout the Cincinnati, OH, area. They offer a wide range of dental care services, including preventive exams, fillings and dental crowns, root canals, and teeth whitening. Call (513) 521-8900 or visit their website to schedule an appointment.
