
A homeowners association maintains the neighborhood, making sure it’s beautiful and functional for all residents. If your association oversees a sprawling community, you likely have to upkeep several roadways. Keeping the roads clean, paved, and free of potholes will maintain their safety. Hire construction services to help you keep your roads smooth and community drivers safe. Here’s what can happen to your residents’ vehicles if the roads deteriorate.

The Dangers of Potholes on Vehicles

1. Tire Wear

When hitting a pothole, a driver’s first concern is likely their tires. Hitting a pothole will quickly lead to uneven tire wear, resulting in lost traction. Without traction, a car will have less grip on the road, and the driver may get into an accident. Since a car’s speed will determine the extent of the damage, holes on the neighborhood’s main roads prove a greater risk than those in the cul-de-sacs.

2. Alignment Issues

construction servicesThe vehicle’s alignment ensures the wheels’ angles are even and in proper contact with the road. When a driver’s car hits a deep pothole, their vehicle will jerk severely, potentially affecting the alignment. Alignment issues can impact the vehicle's handling and response time. Vehicles in need of a realignment often pull to one side, creating a potential safety hazard as they travel throughout the neighborhood.

3. Vehicle Damage

Potholes will deepen when ignored. Running into a pothole will cause severe harm to a vehicle, ranging from undercarriage damage to broken mechanical components. While a scratched or dented undercarriage may not affect a vehicle’s operation, punctures can lead to fluid leaks or excessive noises from the exhaust system, which will require costly repairs.


If you’re part of a homeowners association and want to fill your community’s potholes, contact Rojac Construction in Wailuku, HI. These professionals provide a variety of construction services, including residential roadway paving. They can work with both concrete and asphalt, and they’ll minimize traffic detours and delays so your residents can continue commuting efficiently. Get more information about their services online, or call (808) 986-1105 to schedule neighborhood construction services.
