
From catchy business names to sleek logos, there are many ways to catch the eyes of customers with a storefront sign. However, as you design your company’s signage, it’s also important to consider the impact of color psychology — the concept of how certain hues make people feel. To help you better communicate your brand and increase traffic to your business, here are a few ways to create an effective sign using color psychology.

3 Storefront Sign Design Tips Involving Color Psychology

1. Know the Emotion You Want to Create

storefront signWhile many may not realize it, staring at certain colors can evoke specific emotions. Businesses can use this response to their advantage to connect their services to the way people feel.

For example, since red is commonly associated with stimulating hunger and urgency, it is often used in restaurant signage. Conversely, blues and grays promote calming emotions, allowing customers to feel relaxed and welcomed.

2. Pick Colors That Encourage Shopping

In addition to triggering specific emotions, storefront sign colors can actively encourage consumers to shop and become more likely to make a purchase.

Bright yellow and red, for instance, is a visually arresting hue that immediately grabs the attention of passersby, potentially encouraging them to come inside the store. Blue, on the other hand, can promote feelings of trust to assuage the concerns of wary and indecisive shoppers. Alternatively, if you specialize in products that appeal to impulsive consumers, you might try adding bright orange to your commercial signs.

3. Communicate Your Brand’s Message

Sometimes color choices shouldn’t necessarily provoke an immediate response; rather, they should contribute to the way the public thinks about your overall brand.

If you have a company that’s proud of being eco-friendly or offering natural products, you might rely on greens, blues, and browns to produce an earthy vibe. On the other hand, you specialize in high-end products like skincare solutions, you might opt for deep purples and blacks that convey luxury.



While there are a lot of decisions to make when designing commercial signs, it’s not a process you have to do all on your own. With insight from the experts at Craven Sign Services Inc, you can rest assured that your storefront signs are crafted to appeal to consumers with clarity. And thanks to their advanced production equipment, this High Point, NC signage manufacturer will deliver precise and long-lasting. To learn more about these and other services—including vehicle wraps and logo creation—visit this commercial graphics company online. If you’re a business customer in the Eastern US, you can also call (336) 883-7306 to speak with a friendly specialist about your project needs.
