
When you go to a dentist to talk about stains on your teeth, they may recommend professional teeth whitening to restore your smile. Like other cosmetic dentistry treatments, it will boost your confidence and give you a smile you’re proud to show off. Here’s some information about this procedure.

What You Should Know About Teeth Whitening

How does it work?

Teeth whitening treatments use carbamide or hydrogen peroxide to break up stains deep in tooth enamel. It’s applied in gel or liquid form and allowed to set. The peroxide penetrates the enamel’s surface and breaks stains into small pieces and removes them from your teeth. Sometimes a UV light is used to cure the gel. The length of time the treatment takes depends on your level of staining, desired level of whiteness, and if you have sensitive teeth.

Will my teeth hurt afterward?

You shouldn’t experience any discomfort during or after the procedure. If you have sensitivity, speak with your dentist about shortening the treatment length next time and how to curb the sensation until it fades (usually within a few days). Avoid hot or cold foods and drinks, as well as acidic substances, which can trigger sensitivity.

How do I care for my teeth after treatment?

dentistAfter your treatment, you should avoid foods and drinks that will stain your teeth, such as red wine, coffee, soda, tomato sauce, and brightly-colored fruits. Maintain a thorough oral hygiene routine, and avoid acidic items whenever possible, as they soften enamel and can allow stains to penetrate deeper into your teeth. Using tobacco products will also discolor teeth. 

How long do the results last?

The results of professional whitening can last up to three years with rigorous aftercare and maintenance treatments. Smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco, and a lax oral care routine will shorten the life span of your results. If the whiteness begins to fade, you can ask about touch-up treatments to maintain the shade of your teeth.


If you’re ready to discuss teeth whitening benefits, schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Anthony J. Adams DDS - Healthy Body Dental in Clearwater, FL. Their dental office provides a holistic approach to dental care in Pinellas County, with over 35 years of experience. The dentist himself follows up with patients after operative treatments, and they offer advanced options like mercury-free care and Fotona® laser treatments for gum disease. Learn more about their whitening options online or call (727) 799-3123 for an appointment.
