
When your septic tank is functioning properly, it works efficiently to transport waste material from the home to the tank. From there, it travels to the drain field, where it is treated and dispersed. When problems arise, your technician may recommend a camera septic inspection to determine the precise issue. Here are three reasons to consider this option.

Why Invest in a Camera Inspection of Your Septic System?

1. Provides Thorough Detail

There’s often little time to waste when a problem develops with the septic system. Sluggish drains can quickly lead to sewage backups in the house or potentially flood the drain field. These issues can cause serious health and safety concerns and require extensive repair work. Feeding a camera into the system provides skilled technicians with an easy way to detect the precise location of a clog or broken pipe. This information is essential for fixing the problem quickly, and it can also help prospective homebuyers make informed decisions if they’re thinking of purchasing the property.

2. Avoids Disturbing Your Property

Preston, CT septic inspectionBefore camera septic inspections became commonplace, technicians had to break into the ground and make a mess to determine the exact source of the problem. Removing large fixtures, cutting away pieces of land, and creating mounds of earth in the yard can be inconvenient and unsightly. However, using a camera is a clean, straightforward method that provides technicians with a clear view of the problem.

3. Helps Prepare for Renovations

If you’re planning to make improvements to your plumbing, build an addition, or update your kitchen or bathrooms, it’s smart to inspect the septic system before work begins. Doing so can reveal information that may be vital to your contractors, such as a fresh tree root blockage that has the potential to cause serious problems in the near future, or a small fissure in a pipe that could cause significant water damage over time. Resolving these issues now can spare you the headache of dealing with major repairs when your home renovations begin in earnest.



Homeowners and business owners throughout Preston, CT, and surrounding areas can trust the professionals at Abrahamson Septic to resolve their concerns. The company proudly offers camera septic inspections, which allows them to explore the system deeply and provide intuitive fixes for your concerns. They also provide a variety of other services, including septic pumping and repairs. Visit the family-owned business online to find out more about their residential and commercial septic services, or call (860) 889-7939 to schedule an appointment.
