
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a constantly evolving process that’s integral to the success of any business with an online presence. Without it, it’ll be more difficult to reach your desired audience. To keep their SEO strategies as sharp as possible, many businesses partner with telecommunications services companies to make sure they’re on top of the latest trends. Below are three of the top SEO trends for the upcoming year.

Which SEO Trends Should You Focus On?

1. Voice Search

Upgrades in mobile technologies have made voice search a priority in SEO planning. Many people now format search queries the way they speak—an important part of receiving the most accurate search results. Many voice users are looking for in-the-moment solutions, such as nearby activities or a place to eat.

Begin optimizing your content to connect with speech snippets people use. A telecommunications services company can provide insight into popular snippets and how you can provide fast, accurate answers that voice search will draw and deliver to the user.

2. Mobile Optimization

telecommunications-services-piscatawayMobile-friendly design has been a trend for years, but now it’s a necessity. If your website isn’t able to adapt to smaller screen sizes, your site will rank lower in Google’s Mobile-First Index. This can also lead to a poor desktop ranking. To avoid this, create a mobile-friendly site that loads quickly and is populated with enough keywords and content.

3. SERP Marketing

Search engine results pages (SERP) play an extremely important role in your business’s online presence. When Google responds to a user query, it also shares images, videos, maps, and related content for the user alongside the other results.

Don’t just focus on being the top listing. Your SEO efforts should also position you to appear in the other results page displays. A telecommunications services company can perform an audit to discover where you’re lacking in SERP. They’ll then share SEO solutions to broaden your efforts.



If you’re exploring telecommunications services in the Piscataway, NJ, area, contact 1stPoint Communications. These professionals offer a variety of solutions to businesses of all sizes. They can outfit you with audio and video conferencing, VoIP phone systems, and more. They also handle SMS marketing, web hosting, and other services that you can explore on their website. Call them at (212) 884-4400.
