
Not all plants have the advantage of being situated in a perfectly sunny spot. If there are shady patches of land around your home that could benefit from some color and greenery, there are many choices that will bring your outdoor space to life. If you’re preparing to upgrade your garden and plants this coming spring, here are a few to ask a garden center about. 

Which Plants Do Well in the Shade?

1. Spotted Deadnettle

This perennial ground cover performs best in partial to full shade. It’s a better alternative to bare ground, adding a lush mat with sprigs of colorful flowers emerging from silver and rich green foliage. It’s noteworthy for its heart-shaped leaves, and the blossoms are vibrant and have eye-catching shades of pink, white, and magenta.

2. Eastern Red Columbine

The graceful eastern red columbine is instantly recognizable by its nodding red and yellow petals that resemble little bells. Not only can it thrive in shady areas, but this native plant can also last in a drought. Plus, it’s highly attractive to beneficial bees and hummingbirds.

3. Lily of the Valley

garden centerWhile it performs well in moist soil and partial shade, its beauty is in its adaptability. It happens to grow in full, dry shade, too. Characterized by its clusters of delicate white flowers resembling little bells, these delicate plants produce a lovely fragrance.

4. Impatiens

Few plants grow better in the shade than impatiens. This delightful perennial produces dainty blossoms in a wide range of vibrant colors, including purple, pink, and red. They’re ideal for adding a pop of color to an otherwise pure green space, and they also provide an elegant accent to a flowerbed.  

5. Begonia

The begonia is another versatile option that is renowned for its unique characteristics. Some feature asymmetrical, bold leaves, while others have colorful blooms. Wax begonias, in particular, thrive in the shade and are capable of producing bright hues that liven up spaces underneath trees.

If you’re preparing to beautify your outdoor property this spring, contact Colonial Gardens in Fairfield, CT. The family-owned and -operated greenhouse has served the community for more than 30 years, and they’re proud to offer beautiful shrubs, perennials, and other essentials to brighten up your yard. Visit the garden center online to find out more about their product selection, or call (203) 259-2722 to speak with a team member. 
