
The flu virus comes with a host of uncomfortable symptoms, from a runny nose to headaches and sleepiness. It can even lead to hospitalization, in extreme cases. As such, you need to take the proper steps to get better when early signs surface. Use the following guide and work with a health care professional to ensure you recover in no time.

How to Handle the Flu


The first symptoms of the flu are usually light fatigue, fever, and cough, often followed by body aches. When you notice these symptoms, let your health care professional know right away. Then, focus on giving your immune system a boost by consuming citrus fruits, ginger, and dark green veggies. Drink plenty of fluids as well, as dehydration can exacerbate symptoms and slow down your recovery.

You should also stay away from others so you don’t spread the virus. Take the necessary days off from work and stay in bed. Rest plays a major role in a fast recovery. Ask a family member to stock up on tissues and groceries or place an online order for delivery. You can also purchase over-the-counter pain relievers and decongestants if your health professional gives their approval.


The best defense against the flu is prevention. As such, have your health care professional administer a flu shot every year. New strains of the flu develop annually, so don’t count on last year’s vaccination still being effective.

You should also wash your hands regularly in public and avoid close contact with anyone that’s showing symptoms. Avoid touching your face and get plenty of sleep and exercise to keep your immune system healthy.


If you’re overdue for a flu shot, contact a health care professional at Delhi Internal Medicine in the Tri-State area. This health center in Cincinnati, OH, is led by board-certified nurse practitioner Raha Powell and backed with 55 years of experience. They welcome patients of all ages and can address a variety of issues, from high cholesterol or blood pressure to mental health concerns like depression or anxiety. Call (513) 347-3302 to speak with their staff, and connect on Facebook for more health tips. You can visit their website to learn more about their services.
