
With Hawaii's rainiest months on the way, it's time to make sure your roof is ready to keep your house dry and comfortable. Even a small roof leak could cause substantial damage to your attic, ceilings, and walls if it goes unnoticed. To help you prepare, check on the following areas.

How to Get Your Roof Ready for the Rain

1. Get Your Gutters Cleaned

Your gutters keep rainwater away from the house, but if they're clogged with debris, they can't do their job correctly. If this happens, water may pool near your foundation, where it can seep in and cause flooding. To keep your home safe, have a professional clean the gutters before the rain comes.

2. Have the Flashing Inspected

roof leakIf there are vents on your roof, they're surrounded by metal flashing that keeps water from entering around the seams. Over time, these pieces may come loose or begin to degrade, increasing the odds that water will leak in. If you suspect that any of the flashing on your roof is defective, have a roof repair company pinpoint and solve the issue.

3. Replace Broken Shingles

As your roof ages, your shingles may start to degrade, allowing water to penetrate the roofing materials below into your attic. Visually inspect your roof from the ground, and take note of any patches where shingles seem loose or are missing. Additionally, if lichens are growing on the surface, schedule a prompt repair before a roof leak develops.


If your home needs roof repairs, call the experts at Rainbow Roof Maintenance in Honolulu, HI. They offer installation, maintenance, and repair services, so they can help whether you need weather-proofing, roof leak repair, or a brand new surface. To learn more about their services, visit their website. For a free project estimate, call (808) 842-0488.
