
Although most people know they need to brush their teeth every day, many underestimate the importance of daily flossing. This practice removes food particles from between the teeth to help you maintain optimal oral hygiene. If you aren’t in the habit of doing this at least once a day, here are a few reasons to start now.

Why Should You Floss Daily?

1. Prevents Gingivitis

Daily flossing removes plaque buildup from the gum line. A common threat to oral hygiene, plaque is a sticky film that contains bacteria. It can cause gingivitis, which is an early stage of gum disease and leaves your gums irritated, red, and swollen. When left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis.

2. Reduces the Risk of Other Diseases

Your mouth acts as a passageway to your body. Oral bacteria can travel to the respiratory system and increase your risk of bronchitis and pneumonia

People who don’t floss regularly may also observe bleeding when they brush. Bleeding lets bacteria into your bloodstream, increasing your risk of heart disease and blood clots

3. Helps Control Diabetes 

oral hygieneDiabetes occurs when your blood glucose levels become too high. Accumulated sugar in the mouth encourages plaque growth, increasing the risk of gum disease. If you have diabetes, an infection from periodontitis can affect your insulin needs and make your condition less manageable. Keep plaque and gum disease at bay by flossing daily. 

4. Minimizes Bad Breath

When you don’t floss, you can experience tartar buildup. Tartar is a form of plaque that hardens after combining with the minerals in your saliva. A common cause of bad breath, it can only be removed by dental professionals through routine cleanings. Not flossing also leaves food debris stuck between the teeth, which is another common culprit of bad breath.


Turn to the compassionate team at New Horizons Dental LLC in Wood County and Wisconsin Rapids, WI, for help with your oral hygiene. Dr. William S. Akey and his caring staff offer a wide range of services to help you prevent and treat gum disease. They also offer routine dental cleanings to remove built-up tartar and plaque. Explore their service listing on their website, or call (715) 424-7810 to schedule an appointment. 
