
If you are preparing to get braces soon, you may be wondering what type of maintenance is required to keep them in optimal shape. While this orthodontic treatment is used to treat anything from bite misalignment to jaw-growth problems, there are certain factors to be aware of when taking care of them. To ensure your treatment goes as smoothly as possible, consider how you can avoid the following common problems with braces.

4 Common Issues to Avoid With Orthodontics

1. Damage to Wires or Brackets

Traditional braces are comprised of thin wires and brackets that are attached to your teeth, and while they are durable, they can become broken if the wrong foods are eaten. Hard foods like nuts and popcorn, and chewy or sticky foods like caramel or gum, can become stuck around brackets or may even break a wire. Keep your dental appliance damage-free by following your dentist’s dietary instructions.

2. Soreness of the Mouth 

When you first get your braces on, it will take some time for the tissues of your mouth to become accustomed to the metal brackets and wires. This could potentially lead to some sore spots as you build up a tolerance. Use dental-approved wax to protect sensitive areas and an over-the-counter pain reliever to address any tenderness.

3. Staining of the Teeth 

bracesBecause metal brackets sit on one portion of the teeth during the duration of the treatment, staining can occur to the surrounding teeth if proper hygiene isn’t practiced. Make sure to brush after every meal and don’t skip any flossing sessions. Avoid particularly staining foods or beverages like tea, coffee, and tomato-based sauces to further prevent discoloration.

4. Lost Retainers

Another common problem once your braces have come off is losing the retainer or aligner you are required to wear to help keep your teeth or bite properly aligned. When taking out your retainer, always remember to place it safely in its allocated storage bin to ensure you don’t accidentally throw it out.


If you are looking for an orthodontic treatment to fix your teeth or bite, consult with the team at Dr. Deborah L. Schafer, DDS, MS, in Wayland, NY. Because this practice understands the importance of a custom solution, they offer different types of braces to meet different needs, including traditional models and Invisalign®. To learn more about how you can improve the health of your smile, visit them online or call 585-728-3830.
