
Divorce is a complicated area of family law with a variety of issues to navigate through. Unfortunately, different advice and information passed on by well-meaning loved ones and online resources can often add to the complexity of the situation. This leads to a great deal of confusion and many misconceptions about the experience. Learn more about a few of the most common myths to ensure you're prepared for what's to come.

Misconceptions About Divorce

1. Both Spouses Have to Agree to Divorce

In some relationships, one spouse may be ready to move forward with a divorce before the other. While this can delay the proceedings and make it more difficult to settle, the law doesn't require consent from both parties to terminate a marriage. As long as one spouse believes the union is broken, they can file a contested divorce and have the family law court help settle the division of assets, child custody, and alimony.

2. The Court Is Biased Against Those Who Commit Infidelity

family lawAlthough Connecticut is a no-fault state, family law courts may still consider what caused the breakdown of a marriage when making decisions regarding alimony and the division of marital assets. As such, a judge can provide one spouse with a more favorable financial settlement when the other has committed infidelity. However, this typically only occurs in cases where there's a pattern of cheating, or it can be proven that marital finances were used in excess to support the extra-marital relationship.

3. All Divorces Result in Long & Costly Court Battles

Divorce is a highly emotional event, which frequently causes tensions to arise between couples. Despite this, many can end their marriages peacefully outside of courtrooms. Mediation is one option that allows both parties to work together with their family law mediator to negotiate a settlement that everyone is satisfied with. This can help avoid conflict and save a significant amount of time and money.


If you’ve decided to end your marriage, seek reliable counsel from The Law Office and Mediation Center of Jeannine M. Talbot in Torrington, CT. Backed by more than 20 years of legal experience, Attorney Jeannine is well versed in family law and can help ensure you’re properly informed on all the realities of the divorce process. Whether you pursue mediation or litigation, she’ll remain committed to your best interests as she guides you through this challenging time. Call (860) 482-9004 to schedule a consultation, or visit her online to learn more about her services.
