
Your central air or ductless AC unit keeps you and your family comfortable during the summer. However, if it's not well maintained, it could fail at an inopportune time and leave you unprotected during the hottest days of the year. Here are some indications that you need a new AC unit. 

How to Tell if You Need a New Central Air or Ductless AC Unit

1. It's Blowing Warm Air

This is often a sign of a refrigerant leak. When the refrigerant boils—which happens inside the evaporator coil of the AC unit—the evaporation process extracts heat, which the fluid absorbs. It then carries this heat outdoors, where it runs through a condenser coil. The condensation process releases the stored heat, which is blow outdoors. The refrigerant then returns indoors to repeat the cycle. It is supposed to be a closed loop, but if the refrigerant leaks out, it cannot extract the heat, and the unit will blow hot air.

2. You're Constantly Repairing It

ductless AC in Port Chester, NYIf you face frequent breakdowns of your central air or ductless AC unit, you may need to replace it. There is little sense in repairing the system repeatedly, only to have it break down again. By investing in a new unit, you save yourself the hassle of shutdowns and the cost of constant repairs. 

3. The Unit Is Old

The average life of a central air system is between 12 and 14 years, while you can expect a ductless AC system to last about 20 years. If your unit has exceeded its expected life span, consider investing in a new system. If you have it installed during the off-season, you won't experience the inconvenience of hot days with no air conditioning. Moreover, a newer unit typically proves more effective and efficient, cooling the house more evenly and costing you less in utilities. 


If your current cooling and heating system is failing and you need a new central air or ductless AC unit, contact Arctic Mechanical Heating & Cooling in Port Chester, NY. They’ve served clients throughout Westchester and Fairfield counties since 1997. They’re a Mitsubishi Electric Diamond Contractor™ specializing in wall-mounted heating and ductless AC mini split systems. Visit their website to message them online or call (914) 934-8301 to arrange a consultation.
