
The winter months can do a number on the carpeting in your home. Every time a member of your family goes out, they might bring back mud, sand, and salt inside. While professional carpet cleaning will remove everything your loved ones track inside, there are other ways to ensure your carpeting looks decent during the winter months. 


Invest in welcome mats. 

Welcome mats are the first line of defense to keeping dirt and salt out of your home. Buy a durable mat with built-in scrubbers for every exterior door. Clean them periodically so they effectively absorb slush, snow, and mud. 

Vacuum often.

carpet cleaningCarpet fibers attract dust, dirt, hair, and pet dander. Unless you vacuum frequently, this debris will accumulate deep within the carpet and eventually cause visible discoloration. If you have pets, you may want to vacuum as often as every day. If you’re an animal-free household, you may only need to vacuum once a week. 


Let messes sit.

Vacuuming up dry particles and soaking up wet messes right away will keep your carpet looking clean and fresh all winter. The longer a mess sits, the worse the resulting stain will be. While cleaning dry messes is fairly straightforward, eliminating wet stains calls for special solutions. Your carpet cleaning technician can recommend a few products for spot cleaning between visits. In the meantime, blot up the liquid before applying cold water. Blot it some more, then use a stain remover according to the instructions. 

Wear shoes in the house.

Get everyone in your household in the habit of taking their shoes off at the door. This will keep a considerable amount of mud out of the house. To prevent the shoes from piling up, you can place a small rack by each door. 


Once the worst of winter is over, turn to Polar Carpet Cleaning in Anchorage, AK, can eliminate dust, dirt, grime, and stains of any size. A full-service carpet cleaning company, they use the most advanced equipment to clean a variety of surfaces. From pet accidents and muddy footprints to wine stains and water damage, they can remove virtually anything so your flooring looks like new again. To schedule a carpet cleaning, reach out on their website or call (907) 227-5953. 
