
When you’ve experienced tooth loss, your dentist will provide a variety of treatment options to restore your smile. Perhaps the method that’s most popular in modern dentistry is dental implants. This permanent solution to missing teeth offers undeniable dental care benefits. If you’re debating whether one or more implants are right for you, here’s a closer look at the advantages. 

Why Implants Are the Most Effective Tooth Replacement Choice

1. Appearance

The primary benefit of dental implants is a realistic restoration of your smile. Since each implant is fused to your jawbone with a crown custom-designed to match the shape, color, and appearance of your natural teeth, you’ll enjoy a beautiful smile that boosts your confidence and self-esteem. Traditional devices, such as dentures, have come a long way over the years, but they can’t match the natural look of implants and crowns.

2. Speech & Comfort

Individuals with missing teeth can face difficulty when it comes to speech, eating, and performing their oral hygiene routine. Once implants are set, you won’t have to worry about slurring or having trouble chewing. Since implants are a permanent solution, you won’t experience the gum irritation or discomfort that can be associated with removable devices. 

3. Oral Health

dental careOnce your implants are in place, ongoing dental care is simplified. Your dentist won’t have to alter neighboring teeth in any way to restore your smile.

In addition, implants act much like natural teeth, so you can go about your regular dental care routine of brushing and flossing twice a day in order to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Finally, you won’t have to worry about jawbone loss due to missing teeth, which will prevent serious dental problems down the road.

4. Durability

Perhaps best of all, dental implants are built to last. While dental crowns, bridges, and dentures may need to be replaced or repaired in five to 10 years, implants that are properly cared for can last decades.


Are you interested in restoring your smile long-term with dental implants? If so, Lowitz & Meier is the family dentistry practice you’ve been looking for. Based in the heart of Cincinnati, OH, this dentist office prides itself on being a respected source of comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages. To schedule an appointment, call the office today at (513) 521-8900 to connect with a friendly member of their team. For more information on their modern approach that earned the Angie’s List® 2013 Super Service Award, visit this dedicated practice online
