
Filing a workers’ compensation claim is a complex process, and it’s easy to make mistakes that can derail your chances. If you’ve never filed a claim before, it may help to familiarize yourself with this process ahead of time. The following overview explains the most common mistakes people make so you can increase your odds of success.

What Not to Do When Filing Your Workers’ Comp Claim

1. Failing to Meet Your Deadline

You only have 30 days to file the claim, so it’s important to report the injury right away. It’s wise to think of it as less than 30 days, however; since it may take time to initiate your paperwork, it’s ideal to file your claim almost immediately after the accident.

2. Failing to Seek Medical Care

If you refuse medical care after your accident, you may be forfeiting your right to compensation. This problem is especially common in cases where the injuries don’t feel severe at first but may worsen later. Getting a medical evaluation soon after the accident will allow your doctor to diagnose all of your injuries. In addition to improving your chances for a full recovery, this will provide you with proof of your injuries in the event of a conflict.

3. Failing to Collect Evidence 

Worker's CompensationThere may have been hazards beyond your control that contributed to the accident. For instance, an oil spill or a damaged section of floor may have caused you to fall. Take pictures of these hazards to help with the claim.

Additionally, it will be important to get contact information from coworkers and anyone else who witnessed the accident. It’s possible that you may need statements from them regarding the incident that caused your injury, so it’s important to be able to contact them with minimal delay.

4. Oversharing on Social Media

A big problem people encounter is sharing details about their workplace accident on their social media accounts. Even if you keep your posts private, the insurance company or your employer may gain access to your posts. In that case, they may attempt to use your posts as proof to support the insurance company’s denial of your claim. Since it’s easy for a third party to misconstrue photos and posts, it’s better to stay off social media altogether until your claim has been settled.


Don’t regret not hiring an attorney to help with your workers’ compensation claim. Lein Law Offices in Hayward and Winter, WI, will work with you to file your claim and improve your chances for a more expedient approval. Throughout the process, they’ll ensure your employer won’t harass or pressure you to return to work or to accept an unfair settlement. Your attorney won’t get paid until they win for you, so you have nothing to lose. To schedule a free initial consultation, visit them online or call (715) 634-4273.
