
By beginning 2020 with healthy habits, seniors can reduce their need to schedule doctor and hospital visits. It’s never too late to set new health and wellness goals, so take a moment to check out these tips on how to achieve the best possible condition—in body, mind, and spirit—while enjoying life.

How Seniors Can Begin to Achieve Wellness in 2020

1. Prevent Falls

One in four adults, 65 and over, falls every year, with these accidents being the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries. The best thing you can do is prevent falls from happening, so rid your home of throw rugs that can cause tripping. Begin a fitness program that will strengthen you, as well as optimize your balance and flexibility. Visit your doctor to make sure your prescriptions aren’t interacting and making you feel off-balance, and be sure to have your glasses’ prescription checked every year.

2. Diet Matters

Now more than ever, what you eat is a significant contributor to your health and wellness. Senior adults must continue to eat healthy foods, but they also need fewer calories to function, so fuel yourself so that you can continue to live an active lifestyle. Keep in mind that as people age, their digestion slows down. Increase your fiber intake by upping the number of fruits and vegetables you eat to five servings per day. Add whole grains into your diet, like brown rice, whole-grain bread, and pasta.

Be sure to drink plenty of water, as dehydration can lead to lightheadedness, digestive issues, urinary and kidney problems, as well as confusion. Avoid fatty meats and opt for leaner choices like chicken, turkey, and fish, and add calcium and Vitamin D to your diet through yogurt, cheese, and milk.

3. Commit to a Fitness Program

Fredericktown, MO health and wellnessGetting older doesn’t mean slowing down. It’s just the opposite. If you’re retired, it’s time for you to enjoy life! And the best way to do that is to keep moving.

If you’re feeling depressed, a workout can help lighten your mood and sharpen your memory. Always get approval from your doctor, but even a short walk outside most days can go a long way to help you live longer and enjoy life. If you have a heart condition, your physician’s approved workout can help lower your blood pressure, increase your “good” cholesterol, and improve lung function.

An exercise program at home or a fitness center can help you lose a few pounds or maintain a healthy weight. Exercise helps increase metabolism and build muscle mass as well as help burn calories.   


RBM Wellness designs fitness programs that are safe and strengthening for senior adults. Based in Fredericktown, MO, they’ve created the Recover & Rebuild Program that can be customized for individuals or use in a senior care facility. Their Rebuild Me Program has been designed for senior facilities’ activities staff to work effectively with clients. For more information, visit their website, YouTube channel, or give them a call at (573) 783-1519. 
