
Self-storage units are useful for storing excess household items or belongings you aren’t quite ready to part with yet. These spaces are also beneficial to businesses. Clearing out extra space and putting items in storage not only gives your staff more space to work, but it can also help you manage other important business functions as well.

3 Ways a Self-Storage Unit Helps Your Business 

1. Document Storage

Chances are your business has filing cabinets full of documents that you’re required to store. However, filing cabinets take up space, and keeping them in the office isn’t always secure, especially if they don’t have locks. Keeping important documents in an off-site self-storage unit frees up space that might otherwise be taken up by filing cabinets. They’ll remain safe due to the security and controlled access a storage company offers. 

2. Excess Equipment Storage

self-storage unitPerhaps your company hosts an annual golf tournament, and you need a place to store signage, tents, and other equipment. Or perhaps you have cartons full of promotional items that need to be stored between conferences. With an off-site storage rental, you can keep all these items, plus extra office furniture, electronics, and other belongings that you don’t need right away in a safe place.

3. Inventory Storage

Are you constantly dealing with backorders because you don’t have enough space to store all the inventory you need? Or are you missing out on a deal on necessary supplies because you don't have space to store bulk purchases? With a self-storage unit, you don’t have to worry about losing money or making customers unhappy because you’ll have space for everything you need. 



If your business needs more space, turn to Central Storage in Rochester, NY, for a clean, secure self-storage unit. For more than 15 years, they’ve helped businesses keep their belongings safe and reduce clutter with a variety of affordable self-storage options. Visit their website to explore their storage unit options or call (585) 735-7019.
