
Septic tank maintenance can be more challenging when snow starts to fall and the ground hardens. To avoid costly repairs, get your septic tank ready for the first freeze of the season with these tips.

How to Protect Your Septic System During Winter

1. Inspect the System Before Winter

Check your septic system before the first snowfall for any leaks or clogs in your pipes. A clogged pipe can freeze, while one with a leak is more likely to burst if it freezes. 

Also, check the tank lid for any cracks or holes to avoid any debris or precipitation entering and damaging your system.

2. Pump the Tank

Snow blocking the path or frozen ground can make it difficult to pump your septic tank. Instead, have your contractor pump the septic system before winter, so you can weather the season with an empty tank.

3. Insulate the Tank

Septic Tank MaintenanceKeep your septic tank warm during the winter to prevent the waste inside from freezing. Drape an insulating cover such as a blanket over the tank to keep it warm, or layer mulch or dry soil on top. 

4. Aerate the Soil

If your soil becomes compacted and frozen under the snow, then wastewater can’t filter out of the drainfield. It will build up until it overflows or damages your system, requiring costly septic tank maintenance. Before the ground freezes, aerate your soil to ensure it has proper drainage. 

5. Regulate Water Usage With Holiday Guests

If you’re entertaining extra house guests for the holiday season, they’ll likely use your water fixtures. To ensure your septic system doesn’t get overworked with excess water, stagger when people use the shower, laundry, or dishwasher. 


If you run into an emergency during the winter season, call Bigfoot Pumping & Thawing in North Pole, AK. This family-owned septic tank maintenance business offers 24/7 emergency service as well as routine pumping. Check out their offerings online, or call (907) 488-9855 to make an appointment.
