
Whether you simply need to clear out some space around the home or want to keep your belongings safe while away on an extended trip, you must be careful when placing electronics into storage. Because they are so sensitive to damage and environmental conditions, it’s important to understand the best self-storage practices to keep them safe until you need them again.

How to Protect Electronics in Storage

1. Back Up All Your Data

Before taking anything to the storage facility, it’s important to back up all your data. Copy your most valuable information to a cloud server or external hard drive so you still have access to it while the devices are in secure storage and to protect the data if it is lost.

2. Take Them Apart

You don’t have to break down the electronics entirely, but the process is easier if you separate what items you can. That means removing all CDs and DVDs from the player and unplugging any cables connected to the devices. For added convenience, keep the cables in a bag near the device they go with so there’s no confusion when it’s time to pick them up.

3. Clean Everything

Beyond wiping down screens and removing any blemishes, it’s critical to give all the electronics an air bath prior to storing them. You can find a canister of compressed air at most office supply stores. Use this to remove the dust and dirt from the internal wiring and parts. Use isopropyl alcohol to wipe any small stains or smudges, and make sure it evaporates completely after cleaning.

Storage4. Cover Your Screens

This keeps the screens protected from debris and the elements while in storage. Don’t use plastic; this traps in moisture which damages the internal components. If you still have the original packaging, that is the best option, but if you don’t, cotton, canvas, or cardboard will do the trick.


If you’re looking for the best storage option for your electronics, contact the experts at Treweek Mini Storage in Kalispell, MT. For more than 40 years, they’ve helped local residents keep their belongings safe with a variety of self-storage solutions. With over 300 units to choose from, you can choose the solution that is perfect for your needs. Call (406) 752-2835 to inquire about rates or learn more online.