
Purchasing a house for the first time is exciting. However, you should invest in a home inspection before signing on the dotted line. The results will give you insight into the property’s condition, allowing you to make a more informed decision about the purchase. Here’s what you should know about these inspections before moving forward with the homebuying process.

What’s Included in a Home Inspection?

home inspectionA standard home inspection covers the condition of the house’s major systems and components. This includes cooling, electrical, plumbing, and roofing systems, as well as structural elements, like the attic, insulation, windows, floors, and foundation. The inspector will look for issues or points of concern, and create a report with their results, outlining existing and potential problems as well as recommended repairs.

Who Pays for a Home Inspection?

Typically, the buyer pays for the inspection after they’ve made an agreeable offer to the seller. In some cases, you can negotiate to have the seller cover the expenses as part of your offer.

The home inspection results also open doors for additional negotiations. If the report uncovers damage that requires costly repairs, or it identifies an issue that contradicts the initial listing, you can negotiate with the seller for a lower price. For example, if the listing said the roof was relatively new, but the inspector found warped shingles, you can ask for a lower price or see if the seller is willing to fund the repair before you move in.


If you’re buying a house for the first time and need to schedule a home inspection, contact the experts at Inspect Hawaii in Honolulu. These professionals offer affordable services for all types of residents, from single-family homeowners to apartment renters. Learn more about their inspection guarantees online, or call (808) 330-2302 to schedule an appointment.
