
For most people, moving into a new house is a major transition that takes some getting used to—and fish feel the same way. Therefore, before you introduce a new fish to your tank, it’s crucial you know how to make the experience as comfortable as possible. Use the following guide to ensure your new pet is safe and healthy in your aquarium.

What to Do Before Adding the Fish

First, make sure the fish you’re purchasing will get along with any other species you already own—you don’t want the new addition to be a snack. Also, make sure there’s enough room for the species in your existing aquarium throughout all their life stages, especially if other marine life is already present.

aquariumWhen they first arrive, fish will act a bit like cats—looking for small nooks in which to hide. Make them feel more comfortable by filling your tank with rocks, plants, and figurines that they can take cover in. Finally, feed any existing fish in your tank and test the water quality so that the pH level matches the shop tank. 

How to Add the Fish to Your Tank

Start by turning off any lights inside the aquarium and dimming the room lights, as the brightness may frighten your new fish. Then, place the bag containing your fish inside the tank, allowing it to float on top of the waterline. After about 10 minutes, the temperature of the bag water will have gotten closer to that of your tank.

Accelerate the acclimation process by opening the bag and adding some of the tank water, then sealing it and allowing your fish another 10 minutes of peace. Continue to repeat this process until you fill the bag. Finally, open the bag—without letting any of the water spill into the tank—and use a net to scoop up your fish and place them in the aquarium.


If you’re excited to add a new fish to your aquarium, turn to Gerber's Tropical Fish for a wide selection of freshwater species. This Dayton and Cincinnati, OH, company also provides fish tanks, plants, and any other supplies you might need to make your new pet feel at home. With over 100 years of combined experience, you can count on their staff to answer any of your questions. To learn more about their offerings, visit the website or call (937) 297-0515 today.
