
Hard water can create a slew of problems when it comes to your home's water supply. After the initial well installation, you may notice that the water has become much harder because it’s stored underground. Here are four reasons to consider a water softener for your indoor water supply.

Reasons to Consider Upgrading to Soft Water 

1. Prevents Damage 

As mentioned above, hard water can be expensive to keep up with. The home's groundwater leaves a buildup on pipes and home fixtures. Your fixtures and appliances may break quicker, as the hard water can break down the materials. Soft water breaks down the mineral debris, preventing the damage from occurring in the first place. 

2. Cleaner Clothes 

well installationHard water makes washing clothes difficult. The minerals in the water aren’t able to mix with detergent, making it become an ineffective cleaning method. With hard water, your white or light-colored clothes may appear yellow or gray. This is due to the dissolved compounds of calcium and magnesium that are present in the water. Aside from your clothes appearing dingy, they also might be stiff and tear more easily. With a water softener, your clothes will be much cleaner, stronger, and fluffier. 

3. Smoother Skin and Hair 

With hard water, you may experience dry and itchy skin after showering or bathing. The minerals in your shower create a scummy residue when mixed with soap. This residue stays on the skin after you’re done taking a shower. The residue can clog pores, just like it can clog pipes. Additionally, the water will dry out your skin and prevent it from producing natural oils. You may also notice that your hair is straw-like and more brittle from hard water. Softer water requires less soap and will make your hair and skin much softer. 

4. Affordable After Well Installation 

Deciding on a water softener should be done after the initial well installation. It may not be necessary for your home; however a quick test will determine if the home can benefit from one. After the well installation, a water softener will be a relatively affordable addition to your home, and the system should be simple to install. 



If you’re looking to upgrade to soft water, consider the experts at Conyers Well Service in Dimmitt, TX. From soft water to well installation and repairs, the team of expert contractors offer high-quality service 24/7. Visit their website to learn more about their services, or call to schedule an appointment. 
