
Northern Mississippi winters may not be as harsh as New England, but they do require a lot from an HVAC system. If yours isn’t prepared to efficiently handle the extra work, you may notice a hefty spike on your next utility bill. Avoid a shock to your wallet by preparing your heater for the cold season with these maintenance tips. 

How to Make Your Home’s Heating More Efficient

1. Change the Air Filter

When an HVAC system’s air filter is clogged with debris, it becomes more difficult for the unit to pull in air. As a result, it must work harder than necessary to warm the rooms, which can cause it to overheat and damage parts. 

Prevent early wear and tear by changing the air filter every 30 to 90 days. If you have pets, it’s wisest to stick to the shorter end of that range. It’s especially important to replace it before heading into winter, as the HVAC system will already be working harder than normal to keep the entire property comfortable. 

2. Reduce Heat Loss

hvacUnnecessary heat loss is a significant contributor to higher energy bills during winter. Stop heat from seeping out of the home by sealing gaps and cracks around doors, windows, wiring, and pipes with weatherstripping or caulk.

Additionally, cover older, single-pane windows with plastic sheeting, but leave double- or triple-paned windows on the south side of your home uncovered during the day to absorb natural heat. 

3. Schedule an Inspection

HVAC systems get a heavy workout during the cold months. Ensure yours is up to the task by scheduling an inspection with a professional contractor before the temperatures drop to their lowest.

The technician will check your furnace for any signs of damage that might result in a breakdown and examine the ductwork for any air leaks. They’ll also determine if unusual odors or strange sounds are symptoms of a bigger problem. 


Ensure your HVAC system is ready for winter by contacting the professionals at Gary Duncan Service Company. For over 39 years, they’ve provided Olive Branch, MS, and surrounding areas with quality heating and air conditioning maintenance, repair, and installation services. Their contractors are Trane® certified but are able to repair all makes and models any time of the day. Call them today at (662) 895-2023 for a free estimate and visit their website to learn more about their heating services. 
