
Divorce is not easy for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for your children. They may feel scared and confused, and the whole experience can strain your relationship with them. While your divorce attorney handles the legal aspects of your marital dissolution, focus on the following tips to support your child during this trying time.

How to Help Kids Through Your Divorce

1. Don't Talk Negatively About the Other Parent

Parental conflict is perhaps the most critical factor that may determine how children deal with your divorce. Hearing you speak poorly about your former spouse may cause them to feel more torn and anxious. Even if they love you both, they may feel pressured to side with one parent.

This scenario can create cognitive dissonance in your kids, which may impact their future relationships when they grow up. Remember that even if it didn't work out between you and your spouse, that doesn't necessarily make them a bad parent.  

2. Help Them Stick to a Routine

divorce attorneyChildren, especially younger ones, thrive on routine. A divorce creates significant shifts in their lives, not to mention the constant presence of your divorce attorney and the scheduled court hearings. 

Do your best to minimize disruptions on their habits. Sustaining routines can help them feel more secure and safe as they begin adjusting to their new situation. But resist the temptation to ease your guilt by spoiling them. Remember that discipline is still one of the most effective ways to teach them the value of self-control.

3. Be Honest & Reassuring

Be prepared to answer your children's tough questions as they attempt to understand and accept the divorce. Be honest and straightforward, but choose age-appropriate explanations.  

Also, offer them plenty of reassurance that they are loved. Keep stressing that the divorce is not their fault and explain some of the changes that they can expect. Listen to what they have to say and be compassionate if they initially feel frustrated or confused.

McPherson & McPherson Attorneys at Law in Coupeville, WA, understands how painful the divorce process can be. Divorce attorney Molly McPherson is committed to providing you with top-notch legal representation and adept legal guidance when it comes to child custody. Call (360) 678-4407 today to schedule your first appointment or visit the website to know more about their legal services.
