
If you have back pain that can't be attributed to injury, illness, or old age, your lifestyle could be the problem. Thankfully, that means relieving the pain will be fairly straightforward. If you have any these bad habits, stopping them may also end the discomfort once and for all. 

4 Bad Habits That Can Cause or Worsen Back Pain 

1. Slouching 

Poor posture strains the muscles in your core and puts undue stress on the neck and spine. Additionally, those who consistently slouch are vulnerable to overuse injuries like sprains, strains, and tears, which can cause discomfort even when you’re not hunched over. 

2. Lifting With Your Back 

back painIf your job requires you to carry heavy equipment, you’re likely already familiar with proper lifting techniques. However, for others, it’s easy to forget the importance of lifting with the legs. Bending at the waist and lifting with your back instead is a surefire way to pull a muscle. 

3. Smoking

Because nicotine inhibits circulation, smoking can restrict blood flow to the discs that serve as shock absorbers for the vertebrae. The reduced cushioning can lead to pain up and down the spine.

Smoking also decreases calcium absorption while increasing bone loss, which means those who do so tend to have brittle bones that heal much more slowly after sustaining cracks and fractures. A prolonged recovery means more pain.

4. Sitting 

If you work at a desk, you may have no choice but to sit for eight or more hours a day. Even in the most ergonomic chair, sitting for an extended period will strain the muscles in the back and neck.

Make it a point to get up and move around every 30 minutes or so, and invest in a quality back pillow that provides lumbar support to reduce discomfort between stretching sessions. 


If your back pain hasn't improved even after quitting these habits, head to North Pole Chiropractic. This holistic practice was founded in 2001 and has treated patients throughout Alaska ever since. With on-site X-rays, ultrasounds, and Electrical Muscle Stimulation, they provide comprehensive care for infants, seniors, and everyone in between. To explore all the services the friendly team offers, visit the website, and call (907) 488-1885 to make an appointment.
