
Dental crowns are commonly used to restore damaged teeth. The prosthetic is cemented on top of the affected tooth to match its original look and feel. If you need this treatment, keep in mind that not all crowns are the same. To help you weigh your treatment options, here are a few differences between traditional and same-day dental crowns that you should know.

Traditional vs. Same-Day Dental Crowns


With traditional crowns, a dentist will take an impression of your teeth. This impression is used to create a mold that is sent to a lab where your permanent dental crown will be produced using porcelain materials.

dental crownSame-day crowns, on the other hand, use computer-aided design software to map out the dimensions of the affected tooth. These measurements are then processed by a milling machine to produce a porcelain crown that fits perfectly—all without the need for messy impressions.   

Treatment Time

It can take several weeks for dental labs to make a crown out of your impression, which will require you to visit your dentist multiple times for treatment.

By contrast, same-day crown equipment only takes about an hour to produce the prosthetic. As the name suggests, you can permanently restore your damaged tooth in a single appointment.

Drilling Requirements

Before placing traditional crowns, a dentist will have to remove a considerable portion of the tooth to ensure a solid bond with the prosthetic. As a result, restoring your smile may mean having to lose healthy enamel.

Since same-day crown technology takes more accurate measurements of the tooth surface, more healthy enamel can be preserved.   

Need for Temporary Crown

As you wait for a traditional crown to come back from the lab, you will need to wear a temporary one. While the device can support normal chewing and biting, it may not fit comfortably and can sometimes come loose.


Dedicated to helping patients maintain healthy and natural-looking smiles, Family First Dentistry offers same-day dental crowns in Anchorage, AK. Whether you’ve sustained an oral injury or need to repair a decayed tooth, this compassionate team will use state-of-the-art CAD/CAM technology to produce prosthetics that fit comfortably and reliably. If crowns aren’t right for you, this dentist offers many other restorative services, including dental implants and veneers. Sedation dentistry services are also available to help you enjoy the treatment in a stress-free fashion. For more details on these capabilities, visit this dental clinic online. To schedule a convenient appointment, call (907) 562-2820.
