
As your parents age, you may notice they need more and more help completing daily tasks. It’s never easy to decide when it’s time for additional assistance, but there are some warning signs you can pay close attention to. If you’re concerned with the health and well-being of your parents, here are a few signs that it may be time to think about home care.

How to Know Your Senior Parents May Need Home Care

1. Messy Home

If you notice that your parent is no longer maintaining a tidy home or completing daily chores, they may be struggling to perform what were once routine tasks. Check in on their home occasionally and take note if they appear to be struggling with dishes, laundry, or other basic hygienic tidying that might require home care.

2. Withdrawing From Activities

home careIf your parents are attending family activities less often and seem more isolated, these could be signs that they can’t keep up with conversation or are experiencing memory loss. Hearing loss or depression could also be causing these behavioral changes.

3. Forgetting to Pay Bills

While forgetting a bill this may seem like a harmless mistake, take notice if it happens repeatedly. Your parents have likely been paying bills for decades, and forgetting this integral task multiple times may be a sign of a greater issue.

4. Neglecting Personal Hygiene

If you notice that your parents are neglecting their personal hygiene, they may no longer be able to live on their own. Whether the cause is mental or physical, neglecting regular hygiene tasks like brushing their teeth or showering is a glaring sign that they may need elderly care.

5. Weight Loss or Poor Nutrition

If your parents have memory loss, vision issues, or limited mobility, they may struggle to prepare nutritious meals for themselves. Take note of what’s in their refrigerator or any perceived weight loss. This could mean they need home care for meal preparation.



If you believe your elderly parents would benefit from home care, get in touch with the compassionate caregivers at Visiting Angels in Toms River, NJ. With a nationwide network of home care providers, their staff will put your senior’s needs first and provide a variety of elderly care services like meal prep, light housekeeping, grooming, and medication reminders. Give them a call today at (732) 240-1050 or visit their website to learn more about their various care options.