
Many offices allow employees to bring their dog with them to work, creating a fun and comfortable environment. If you want a smooth transition for your dog into the workplace, prior obedience training and preparation are important. Here are some useful steps to take when introducing your canine to the office. 

How to Welcome Your Canine into the Office 

1. Bring Comfort Items From Home

Going to a new place can be stressful for humans and canines alike. Even if your dog often travels to work with you, bringing comfort items from home can be helpful. A blanket and their favorite toy or a bed they like are excellent choices. These familiar items will provide them with a place to lay down or something to play with, which can reduce stress and make them feel more comfortable in this environment.

2. Have Plenty of Food, Water, and Treats obedience training

Having plenty of food and water available for your furry friend is a must wherever you go. You should also bring treats to help your canine acclimate. Snacks can be used to divert attention if they become stressed or overly excited, or to reward them for behaving well in this new environment. Plus, coworkers can use those treats to make a new friend! 

3. Take Some Breaks 

Work is stressful, and not just for us humans! Be sure to take your dog on scheduled breaks to let off some energy and for a change of scenery. Dogs in the workplace should be trained in order to hold for bathroom breaks. This ensures that employees don’t become distracted with too many dog breaks. So be sure to stick to a non-rigorous schedule for bathroom breaks.

4. Don’t Forget Doggy Entertainment 

All work and no play can really dampen your dog’s time at the office. Bring plenty of toys from home to give them something to do while you’re busy with paperwork so that they won’t have to rely solely on you or your coworkers for activities. Workplace dogs should be trained to be self-sufficient and laid back. A bed and some chew toys should be all the need to limit barking, wandering, and jumping. 


Obedience training is integral if you want your dog to be well-behaved in the office, and K-9 Communication provides the best training in Milford, CT. Owner and dog trainer Gus Marnel has over 35 years of experience working with puppies and older dogs alike. Whether it’s puppy school, dog training, or obedience class, you’ll be sure to achieve success with your canine. To learn more about their canine classes and boarding options, call (203) 874-7299 or visit their website or Facebook page. 
