
Acupuncture is an excellent complementary treatment for several health issues, from stress to body aches. As with any treatment, there are aftercare guidelines to stick to. Avoiding common pitfalls will ensure you get the most from your session. If you’ve never tried this naturopathic technique before, stick to the following do’s and don’ts.


Get plenty of rest.

Rest is essential for restoring your body. You don’t have to curl up in bed—just avoid high-impact activities or rigorous exercise. Acupuncture is like hitting the “reset” button. By relaxing and getting ample sleep the night after, you’ll enjoy all the restorative benefits the next day.

Drink enough water.

Acupuncture triggers the toxin flush process in your body, and you’ll need plenty of water to assist. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses, and stay away from drinks like alcohol and coffee that will dehydrate you.


Eat processed foods.

acupunctureProcessed and unhealthy foods counteract the toxin-flushing benefits of acupuncture. As old toxins are removed, a heavy, greasy meal will simply replace them. Stick to dark leafy greens, lean protein, whole grains, and nutrient-rich snacks such as fruits that will further aid the toxin flush and also promote overall health.

Forget to provide feedback.

Building a relationship with your acupuncturist is essential for achieving the best care. Provide plenty of feedback after your session. Let them know how you were feeling. Were you sore? They may want to take things easier next time. Did you notice you felt worse than better in the following days? They may want to adjust treatment. It’s helpful to keep a side effect journal in the following days so you can share all the details.



If you’re interested in trying acupuncture and other naturopathic techniques, turn to Ellenburg Center for Natural Medicine Inc. This Anchorage, AK, practice offers a wide variety of natural medicine services. Their team, led by Dr. Michael J. Ellenburg, offers several complementary and holistic treatments and lifestyle guidance to improve your health. Call (907) 563-2366 to schedule a consultation and visit their website to learn more about their services.
