
Going out to a restaurant for breakfast, lunch, and dinner can quickly derail anyone’s weight loss diet. This food tends to be high in both calories and sodium, with fried and sweet dishes serving as the worst offenders. However, if you’re invited to a social or work-related outing, there are ways to participate without upsetting your health journey, as the guide below explains.


Eat before you go out.

Enjoy a healthy, satiating snack before your lunch or dinner date so you aren’t ravenous when you arrive. Choose a snack with protein and fiber, such as hummus and veggies, to avoid making poor food decisions because you’re starving. You’ll also spend less money on expensive restaurant food if you order an appetizer instead of an entree.

Avoid alcohol.

weight loss dietRefrain from drinking alcohol to help your weight loss diet. Drinking means consuming empty calories that contribute to weight gain. The body recognizes libations as toxins, which makes the liver go into overdrive to get rid of it. Your metabolism slows as a result, so any food you consume is more likely to be stored as fat than burned as energy. Alcohol also lowers your inhibitions to make poor food choices more likely.


Order a salad & pile on the toppings.

Choose a salad as part of your meal only if you’re careful with toppings. Croutons, bacon bits, creamy dressings, and cheese turn any salad into a calorie bomb. Stick to protein additions instead, such as grilled chicken or tuna, and order an oil-based dressing on the side.

Forget to focus on your food.

Pay attention to your meal instead of just getting caught up in conversation. Mindful eating gives the brain and stomach enough time to realize it’s full so you don’t overeat or consume food late at night because you’re still hungry. Proper chewing also helps your food digest better to avoid an upset stomach. If this leaves food on your plate, you can always ask for the leftovers to be boxed up.


weight loss tipsInterested in starting a weight loss diet? Turn to Nebraska Weight Management Institute, serving Lincoln, Omaha, and the surrounding areas. Around for 20 years, this center uses the nonsurgical OPTIFAST® method to help clients shed pounds and keep them off. Call (402) 483-4770 (Lincoln clinic) or (402) 399-9386 (Omaha clinic) today to get started. Visit the website for more information. Get additional health tips on Facebook.
