
When your business is first starting, it is tempting to want to run it remotely. The last decade has also provided a plethora of software packages and mobile technology that seem to make having a physical working space irrelevant. However, the truth is, having an office space for your business is still a reliable investment, and there are a few reasons why.

Why You Should Invest in an Office Space for Your Start-Up

1. Client Confidence 

As a start-up, you’re well aware of how significant every new client is. While technology allows you to interact with clients remotely, having an office space can instill current and potential clients with a sense of permanence and reliability. Clients tend to trust vendors with physical locations more, and you have the opportunity to schedule face-to-face meetings with clients without going to the nearest coffee shop. 

2. Employee Culture

Employees feel more invested in office spacea company when they have a physical location as a base. It also gives them the chance to know their teammates and co-workers face to face, improving employee morale and cooperation. Having an office space also gives you an extra edge when recruiting top talent for your company. A potential hire is more likely to see a company with offices as a sound investment in their future, with less risk for their careers. 

3. Work-Life Balance

When you work remotely, it is difficult to keep boundaries between work and home life. This issue is especially clear when you do your work at home. Having an office space gives you and your employees clearly defined boundaries, so when they are at work, they are focused, and when at home, they can relax.


The commercial real estate agents at Winmar Corporation in Lexington, KY, have been helping businesses build strong foundations since 1951. They’re experts in not only office space rentals and commercial purchases, but commercial rentals and property management as well. Finding the right space to help your business flourish is hard, but the professionals at Winmar will walk you through every step, finding you amazing locations and deals. For more information, call (859) 254-5755 or visit them online today to learn more about their available buildings.
