
When the season turns from summer to fall, it’s natural to unpack a few sweaters, jeans, and boots. For many people, unpacking their boots allows them to show off their style in a comfortable and trendy way. To keep your pair functional and looking good throughout the season, you’ll need to know how to take care of them. This way, they can last much longer and need only occasional boot repair.

How to Maintain Your Boots This Fall

1. Inspect the Soles 

The soles of your boots are made from durable materials to sustain heavy wear and stress. However, because they come in direct contact with the ground, they sustain the most damage. Broken soles can undermine the boot’s stability, which can be hazardous when walking on wet or uneven surfaces. If you notice cracks, chips, or loose soles, take your boots to a reputable shoe repair shop for resoling.

2. Zip Them Carefully

boot repairSome people find it more convenient to wear zippered boots than laced-up ones. When wearing thigh-high or combat boots, or any footwear with decorative zippers, make sure you close them carefully. Otherwise, you will be dealing with stuck fabric, jammed zippers, or loose or torn stitching, necessitating a boot repair.

3. Seal Them 

Spills and moisture can ruin any footwear, including your boots. Water damage can cause your boots to lose their flexibility and finish. Additionally, you'll find yourself walking around with wet feet during a downpour. To protect your footwear, find a liquid repellent that is custom-made for your footwear's fabric. Investing in these waterproofing products will prolong your footwear's life and minimize your need for boot repair.



It’s natural for boots to wear and tear over time. When you need a trustworthy shop to handle boot repairs, turn to the specialists at Sofia Shoe Repair Service in Rochester, NY. For over 72 years, they've delivered high-quality shoe repair services, including resoling, heel and zipper repair, and shoe recoloring. For more information on their services, complimentary shoe inspection, and waterproofing products, visit them online or call (585) 244-5907.
