
Prayer is a part of a worship service, and it should also be practiced at home. Remembering to pray can strengthen your faith and help you lead a more fulfilling life. Here’s a quick guide to help you better understand the power of prayer.

Why You Should Pray Every Day

1. Strengthen Your Connection With God

Prayer lets you talk directly to God, and communicating with Him more often will help you be mindful of His ever-present love for you. During prayer, you can share your thoughts and ask questions, knowing God will provide answers to help you lead a life based in fellowship.

2. Give Thanks

prayerDuring prayer, people often acknowledge loved ones and other aspects of their life that they’re grateful for. Being thankful for what you have can help you build compassion for the less fortunate and foster a desire to do good in God’s name.

3. Keep Stress & Anxiety at Bay

Prayer is a healthy coping mechanism to help you deal with stressful situations, and daily reflection will make you slower to anger and more understanding of disagreements. You can also ask your church leaders for Bible verses that offer direction on how to navigate obstacles. Talk to God about what you’ve read and ask Him how to use the Bible’s advice to manage overwhelming situations.


If you’re looking for a welcoming environment to enhance your connection to God, head to the City of Refuge Christian Church in Waipahu, HI. For over 39 years, this non-denominational church has encouraged its community to talk to God through prayer. They offer Sunday services at 8 and 10 a.m., and their congregants are treated to inspiring, contemporary Gospel music. Call (808) 677-5677 to ask about their upcoming events, or watch their sermons online. Follow them on Facebook for the latest news and updates.
