
Dental crowns are used to stabilize teeth and create a more pleasing appearance. While crowns are made sturdy to protect teeth for many years, they will need to be replaced at some point. The following are a few signs to look out for if you’re having issues with your crown. 

How Will You Know When You Need a New Dental Crown?

1. You Experience Pain or Sensitivity

dental crownCrowns are often placed to protect the sensitive inner recesses of teeth. When they become loose, you might experience pain when biting down. Your tooth may also feel more sensitive, especially when eating hot or cold foods. Any tooth pain that comes on suddenly should be checked out by your dental team. 

2. Your Bite Feels Uneven

Proper bite alignment is not only essential for the function of teeth when chewing but also ensures the underlying structures remain healthy. In some cases, a crown may slip, which will have a direct effect on your bite. A dental assessment will determine whether the crown needs to be adjusted or if a replacement is necessary. 

3. Your Crown Was Placed Many Years Ago

Dental crowns typically only last about 15 years, even with optimum dental care. Regular wear and tear can take its toll, which can lead to the issues listed above. If you grind your teeth, your crown might wear down even faster. Twice yearly checkups with your dentist will help catch crown issues before they cause more side effects.


Family First Dentistry understands how frustrating dental crown issues can be. Fortunately, their emergency dentistry addresses urgent dental issues such as a loose or broken crown. If you need a crown replacement, they’ll get it to you on the same day. Schedule an appointment in Anchorage today by calling (907) 562-2820. You can also visit the website to find out more about their services. 
