
If you’re planning a fun and educational vacation for your kids, Denali National Park and Preserve can offer you this and more. Located in Alaska, this wilderness is home to numerous plant and wildlife species. The park has lined up activities for visitors of all ages, allowing them to explore, experience, and appreciate the park’s history and ecosystem. Below are some activities that get your kids excited to leave your lodging early and enjoy the outdoors.

The Top 3 Activities to Enjoy With Your Kids at Denali

1. Visit the Kennels or Attend the Summer Sled Dog Demonstration

Denali is the lone national park in America with its sled dog kennel and dogs that guard the park. Since the 1920s, sled dogs have been helping rangers patrol this wilderness. Today, these dogs continue to protect the park and are even helping transport wildlife researchers and supplies. The kennels are open year-round and can be reached by car or bus, or by hiking through one of Denali’s trails.

If you’re visiting in summer, join the Denali National Park’s sled dog demonstrations. These 30-minute programs show visitors the traditional Alaskan transport mode and include a walk around the kennels. It’s best to come early if your kids want a chance to pet the Alaskan huskies. If you’re bringing your pet during your vacation, they won’t be allowed in the kennels; you may have to make arrangements before leaving your lodging.

2.  Pick Up a Denali Discovery Pack

lodgingPerfect for third graders to fifth graders, the Discovery Pack includes tools your kids can use to make the hike more interactive. Your kids can watch wildlife with a pair of binoculars, do water testing experiments, identify flora with the help of colorful guides, create a wolf print cast, and use the art materials to draw in their Discovery Journal. These can be borrowed at the Denali Visitor Center.

3. Hike or Bike

Denali has trails for children of all ages, which you can check out in their guide, Denali with Kids. Your young explorers can use their Discovery Packs to spot squirrels along the Spruce Forest Trail or a family of beavers on your way to Horseshoe Lake. First-time hikers can also join ranger-led hikes offered from mid-May to mid-September. 


Whether you’re planning a quick visit at Denali or a longer break, Totem Inn can make your family’s stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Located 11 miles north of Denali National Park, the family-owned and -operated full-service lodging offers deluxe rooms at reasonable rates. They also have a fitness room, restaurant, and lounge, allowing visitors to enjoy the rustic vibe of an Alaskan lodge while making them feel at home. For lodging reservations, visit their website or call (907) 683-6500.
