
Alaska makes it easy to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the outdoors. Denali National Park plays host to a myriad of fascinating animals you’re not likely to find anywhere else. Lodging near the park will allow you to easily access the hiking trails and viewpoints available. While you’re out, see if you can spot the local wildlife in the distance.

7 Animals to Look for at Denali National Park

1. Wolverine

Stocky and solitary, wolverines roam the woods as scavengers looking for their next meal. Though they resemble bears, they are closely related to weasels. You’ll usually spot them alone when they come out of their dens.

2. Dall Sheep

lodgingDall Sheep can be any shade from white to brown, and the most noticeable feature is their curved horns. While sightseeing, you may come across two of these animals ramming their heads together to determine which is dominant.

3. Moose

Large and majestic, seeing a moose up close is an experience you won’t soon forget. They can be temperamental, so allow them to continue on their way when you run into these popular giants.

4. Beaver

Famous for their river dams, beavers are some of the most impressive builders on the planet, chopping down trees with only their teeth. You’re likely to find a beaver creating its own lodging near the sparkling rivers that run through the park.

5. Lynx

You’ll recognize a lynx by its spotted coat, large paws, and the black tufts of fur on its ears. As with any wild cat, you’ll want to keep your distance, but they are a magnificent sight to see on your tour of Denali.

6. Collared Pika

The collared pika is an endangered species that look similar to mice; however, they are a part of the same family as rabbits and hares. They live in rocky, mountainous terrains, so keep an eye out for them while hiking.

7. Red fox

With its vibrant coloring and white-tipped tail, the red fox is the most widely known variant of the species in North America. As they’re known for their stealth and quick feet, you’re sure to see one of these classic creatures if you stay alert.


Whether you’re in Denali for the animals or the scenic views, you’ll want to find lodging close to nature. Located just outside of Denali National Park and Preserve in Healy, AK, Totem Inn is your answer to finding a comfortable stay with a natural feel. They offer free internet, a laundry room, hot breakfast, and more. Book your room online or call (907) 683-6500 to reserve a space for a night or for an extended stay.
