
An ingrown nail can cause severe pain, irritation, and swelling around the nail. It develops when a toenail grows into the skin instead of on top of it. If you’re concerned about the condition of your nails, here’s what a podiatrist would want you to know.

What to Know About Ingrown Nails

What Causes Them?

The majority of ingrown nails occur if a toenail is trimmed too close to the skin or if the nails are filed round. Wearing tight shoes can also put pressure on the nail and force it into the skin. People who jam or stub their toes, can also experience the problem. Without treatment, skin may continue to push over the nail, which may lead to severe pain and swelling.

Who Is at Risk?

podiatristAlthough anyone can develop them, ingrown nails are more likely to affect people with thick or curved nails. You should see a podiatrist at the first sign of a problem, as it can worsen with time and cause infection if a nail punctures the skin. People with diabetes or who have vascular problems, in particular, should have ingrown nails promptly treated. They’re more likely to experience complications from ingrown nails.

How Do You Treat Them?

You can try to manage the condition by wearing comfortable, open-toed shoes. Avoid trimming the edges of nails, as this may make discomfort worse. If you experience significant pain or the condition of your nails doesn’t improve, your podiatrist may prescribe antibiotics or suggest removing the nail.

Is There Any Way to Prevent Them?

Practicing safe nail care is the best precaution. Only trim your nails after you shower, when they’re soft. Trim straight across the nail instead of around it, and use a file to smooth any jagged cuts. Select shoes that give you plenty of room in the toe box. Also, avoid wearing tight socks and stockings. Even fabric can cause discomfort and push nails inward if too restrictive.


Don’t cope with an ingrown nail on your own. Turn to Deer Creek Foot Care in O’Fallon, MO. Serving the community for more than 13 years, their podiatrist will resolve your discomfort and restore the condition of your nails. They also treat bunions, hammer toes, calluses, and ankle fractures. Visit them online to learn more about their extensive services, or call (636) 240-1127 to schedule an appointment.
