
Much of the air in your home circulates through your HVAC system. The ductwork can impact on air quality, which is why you should understand the role the system plays. By making a few adjustments and scheduling air conditioning maintenance, you can be confident you’re breathing fresh air.

Understanding HVAC Systems & Air Quality

Air Quality Problems HVAC Systems Cause

As air is drawn into your home, it passes through your air conditioning unit and into the ductwork. Debris, dirt particles, pollen, insects feces, and general dust can pass and settle in these ducts. Air filters are designed to catch these; however, they aren’t always effective when clogged and can release particles into the air. This creates unwanted smells, causes respiratory issues, and generally taints the air supply.

How to Improve Air Quality

air conditioning maintenanceSchedule a duct cleaning from an air conditioning maintenance professional. Using extension vacuums, they will clear existing dirt and debris from the ductwork.

Once the system is clean, install premium HEPA filters. These are designed to capture the smallest particles without interfering with airflow. Check the filters once a month and replace them as needed. Also, air out your home regularly; to do so, dedicate a day to open the doors and windows—but leave the screens in place. Staying on top of air conditioning maintenance ensures you have a clean, reliable air supply.


If you’re looking to increase your air quality and the efficiency of your heating and cooling system, turn to Adco Heating & Air Conditioning. These HVAC professionals proudly provide heating and air conditioning maintenance to residents of the Cincinnati, OH, area. Their fully licensed and insured team handles cooling and heating repairs, heat pump installations, and more services you can explore on their website. Call (513) 471-3390 to schedule an inspection, and connect on Facebook to explore more care tips.
