
When several people share a single space, germs can thrive. However, fewer germs mean fewer people calling in sick, so make sure to disinfect your office thoroughly. Here’s how to use disinfectants to maintain a cleaner and more productive workplace.

3 Areas to Focus On When Disinfecting Your Office

1. Shared Spaces

Shared office spaces such as kitchens and break rooms contain many germs due to the number of people who use them. Regularly clean shared spaces with disinfecting wipes and sprays. Pay special attention to the items that are used most frequently, such as doorknobs and handles. Place these cleaning materials in all shared spaces to encourage cleanliness among the staff.

2. Work Desks

disinfectantsWhile shared spaces may be obvious germ havens, personal office spaces also need attention, particularly desks. To combat these germs, regularly use disinfectants to clean your area. Keyboards, computer mice, and telephones require regular cleanings. You should also encourage staff to avoid eating lunch at their desks, as bacteria feed on crumbs.

3. Hand-Washing

Disinfecting items won’t sufficiently reduce the germs in your office unless every person diligently washes their hands. About 80% of common infections are transmitted by hand, so this practice must be taken seriously. There should be prominent signs and regular email reminders to promote hand-washing after using the restroom, coughing or sneezing, touching shared equipment, and using public transportation. Place hand sanitizer throughout the office to further promote germ-free hands.


Reducing the germs in your office requires high-quality disinfectants, which you can find at Lamers Enterprise in Honolulu, HI. Dedicated to keeping every business clean and healthy, the company offers a wide variety of cleaning supplies and equipment, including paper towels, floor machines, and toilet seat covers. Explore their products online, and call (808) 845-9365 to place an order today.
