
Candy and Halloween go together like witches and broomsticks, but this sweet side of the season can be dangerous for oral health. When eager trick-or-treaters munch on sugary snacks, such as milk chocolate, caramel, and sour gummies, they feed the bacteria found in dental plaque. When these bacteria consume sugar, they produce acids that destroy enamel and cause cavities. Fortunately, you don’t have to skip the festivities of handing out goodies to protect others from toothaches. Instead, serve up one of these tooth-friendly Halloween treats.

5 Dentist-Approved Treats to Hand Out This Halloween

1. Fresh Apples

Fresh apples can taste just as sweet as fruity candy, but without all the dental health risks. In addition to providing a wealth of nourishing nutrients, these fruits promote saliva production when chewed. Saliva rinses away food particles and neutralizes enamel-destroying acids.

2. Snack-Size Popcorn

Small bags of popped corn is a satisfying snack that’s high in fiber and easy on teeth. Similar to cheese and nuts, popcorn has a unique texture that can scrub food particles and plaque off of teeth. However, it’s still a smart idea to floss after eating, so you can remove seed shells that may get stuck between teeth and gum tissue.

3. Spooky Cookies

toothacheIf you’re in a baking mood, consider making cookies with tooth-friendly ingredients. For example, opt for stevia, a natural sweetener,  instead of using sugar. Opt for dark chocolate in place of milk because it contains less sugar. Other cookie ingredients that support oral health include oatmeal, nuts, and raisins. To give your baked goods a seasonal touch, use cookie cutters to create fun Halloween shapes, like bats and jack-o-lanterns.

4. Raisins

These dehydrated snacks contain chemicals that thwart oral bacteria, which are responsible for cavities, toothaches, gum disease. If you want to mix-up your offerings, hand out boxes of raisins that are covered in calcium-rich yogurt.

5. Festive Toothbrushes

There’s no rule that Halloween goodies have to be snacks. If you’re focused on spreading the message of good oral hygiene, pass out kid-sized toothbrushes with a festive touch. For example, you may give away brushes that feature holiday colors, such as black, orange, or purple. You can also dress up the brushes to look like magic wands.


If you’re worried about the effects of Halloween candy, contact Steven A. Kumasaka, DDS and his team in Kaneohe, HI. Serving patients of all ages across Oahu, this family dentist offers preventive teeth cleanings and exams to keep cavities from forming. If you do end up with a toothache, Dr. Kumasaka can treat the problem using gentle, reliable solutions. Visit them online to learn more about their preventive, restorative, and cosmetic services. For appointments, call (808) 247-2240.
