
The cold weather is still a few months away, but you should start thinking about your furnace now. The tail end of summer and beginning of the fall are the best times to have an HVAC contractor inspect your heating unit. Scheduling early inspections can save money and prevent unnecessary failures. To help you understand this, here are a few reasons why end-of-summer inspections are helpful.

3 Reasons to Schedule a Furnace Inspection Now

1. Clean Your Equipment

Your furnace has been sitting unused for months. The dust it may have gathered can decrease its efficiency. Without regular cleaning, turning the heater on for the first time burns off the accumulated dust, creating unpleasant odors that can fill your house. During the inspection, an HVAC contractor will clean off dirty components within the unit and ensure it’s ready to go when the temperatures drop.

2. Maximize Its Efficiency

hvac contractorDirty parts, loose belts, and other minor issues can force your heating system to work harder than necessary, which drives up your energy costs. HVAC contractors will inspect every component of your system, making adjustments that will maximize its energy efficiency and minimize your utility bills. Efficient operation also reduces wear and tear, which prevents premature breakdowns and unexpected repairs.

3. Fix Problems Before They Develop

Most HVAC issues give plenty of warning signs before they result in a breakdown. If your HVAC contractor detects a problematic symptom during the inspection, they may be able to correct it before it develops into a major, costly problem. Not only will this save you money, but it may also keep your heater from breaking down in the dead of winter.


If you’re looking for an HVAC contractor to get your heater ready for use, turn to the professionals at Peak Performance Heating & Air. Their certified technicians have been keeping Cleveland, GA, homes comfortable for nearly 20 years. Whether you need a furnace repair or installation, they’ll provide reliable service. Visit their website for more on their work with heaters, or call (706) 219-1016 to request a free estimate.
