
Your furnace is essential to maintaining a comfortable, enjoyable home. If it breaks down, you may be left in the cold for hours or days before your HVAC contractor can perform furnace repairs. To prevent this, keep an eye out for these signs of an imminent breakdown.

When to Schedule Furnace Repair

1. Low or Inconsistent Heating

If your furnace turns on but doesn’t heat the entire home, or if it turns on and off frequently, it’s possible the furnace is the wrong size for the space. Fuel or airflow clogs or leaks could also be causing the issue. 

2. Thermostat Problems

furnace repairsIf the temperature is consistently lower or higher than what’s shown on the thermostat, there may be an electrical problem with the controls. Another possibility is that the thermostat is poorly located and can’t get an accurate read of the room’s temperature. An HVAC contractor will be able to accurately diagnose the issue and fix the problem accordingly. 

3. Odd Noises

Any change in your furnace’s sound indicates a change in its operation, even if it’s something minor like a new humming noise. Rattling noises may indicate a fan or another component is loose, while whistling is another sign of blocked airflow or a leak. 

4. Still Air

If air isn’t moving through your system, the most likely culprit is a clogged filter, which you can change yourself. If that doesn’t solve it, there may be an issue with the fans or ducts, both of which require professional furnace repairs.

5. Higher Bills

Most furnace problems cause your system to work harder and therefore use more energy. Any sudden, unexplained spike in your heating bill is a good reason to call an HVAC contractor for an inspection.


If you need furnace repairs, turn to the experienced professionals at Peak Performance Heating & Air in Cleveland, GA. For 18 years, their EPA-certified technicians have served White County residents with HVAC installations and repairs using quality products from manufacturers like Trane®, Carrier®, and Goodman®. To schedule a free estimate, call (706) 219-1016 or send the team a message online today.
