
Some children have a difficult time visiting the dentist because they can’t sit still, or they have dental anxiety that causes fear and discomfort. If your child has trouble, their pediatric dentist may suggest sedation dentistry. This form of dentistry is safe and offers varying strengths depending on your child’s needs.

Why Talk to Your Pediatric Dentist About Sedation Dentistry

1. Anxiety Relief

Sedation dentistry for children relieves anxiety. Surveys show that 5%-20% of children have dental phobia or anxiety. A child might throw a tantrum about going to the dentist because they associate the office with discomfort or the fear of a stranger going near their mouth. However, it’s much easier to convince them to come to the dentist after their first sedation appointment because they won’t experience anything of the sort.

2. Decreased or No Memory

pediatric dentistIf your child has dental anxiety, they probably had a bad experience at some point in their lives that is causing the negative association. With regular dentistry, there’s always a chance that their experience could make their fear worse. With most types of sedation administered by a pediatric dentist, your child won’t remember most or any of the procedure. Oral sedation, IV sedation, or general anesthesia can produce this effect.

3. Treatment Quality

When kids are nervous about the dentist, they tend to have issues behaving in the chair. They don’t listen to instructions about opening wider or tilting their head back, and they might even jerk away. Issues like these can cause accidents, which can make the procedure last even longer. A sedated child is calm and relaxed, leading to higher-quality results and getting you home faster.


Carolyn B. Crowell, DMD, & Associates is a pediatric dentist office located in Avon, OH, and serving the nearby communities of Avon Lake, Amherst, Westlake, and Bay Village. They make visits to the dentist fun, using kid-friendly language and techniques. They will find the sedation method that fits your child’s needs. Call (440) 934-0149 to schedule your kid’s first appointment, or visit their website to learn more about their sedation services.
