
The quality of your car’s paint job has a large impact on its aesthetic and resale value. Even small scratches can prove problematic over time, increasing the risk of rust and corrosion. However, many drivers are uncertain about which scratches they can fix themselves and which ones should be repaired by an auto paint shop. Here are a few guidelines to help you when you’re facing a scratch. 

How Can You Repair a Scratch on Your Own?

auto paint shopGenerally speaking, completing a scratch repair yourself is an option when the scratch only impacts your car’s clear coat layer. Hairline scratches and light marring may not be immediately noticeable on your vehicle because the underlying paint hasn’t been chipped away. Quite often, you will need to look at your car in full sunlight to spot the scratches. 

These small scratches can be filled with items that are readily available at an auto supply shop, such as a scratch removal kit, clay bar, or wax sealant. Buffing out the affected area will fill the damaged clear coat, eliminating the scratch.

When Should You Go to an Auto Paint Shop?

Once a scratch penetrates deeper than the clear coat, you will likely need to visit an auto paint shop. Scratches that damage the paint base coat or primer coat can expose the underlying metal, increasing the risk of rust and corrosion. The scratched area will be a different color than the rest of the vehicle paint as the primer or metal is revealed.

Professional technicians will use paint matching tools and other high-grade equipment to address each layer of damage to the paint, restoring your car to a like-new appearance. This will ensure that the scratch is completely removed and will stay covered for years to come. 


Whether you need to fix a deep scratch or have a more intensive car body repair, you can rely on Valiante Auto Body. Serving Fairfield County, CT, since 1976, this auto paint shop provides a full lifetime warranty on all repair work. To learn more about their services or to request an auto body repair estimate, visit them online or call (203) 847-3043.
