
Estimated to impact approximately 8% of American adults, nighttime teeth grinding is a relatively common dental problem that everyone should be aware of. When this condition, also known as bruxism, goes untreated, it can result in several serious oral health consequences—including worn enamel, TMJ disorder, and increased sensitivity. While treatment is simple, detecting this condition can be difficult—especially if it happens while you’re sound asleep. To help protect your smile, here are a few reasons to talk to a dentist about bruxism.

How to Know if You Have Bruxism

1. Morning Soreness

Grinding one’s teeth throughout the night will place a lot of pressure on your jaw, which may cause it to feel sore or stiff in the morning. You might also have headaches in your temple area or develop toothaches that tend to dissipate later in the day.

2. Dental Damage

Over time, bruxism will lead to worn enamel. As your teeth are worn down, you might notice that they appear flattened or misshapen. It’s also possible that grinding will cause tooth fillings, crowns, or other dental prosthetics to come loose.

3. Cheek Injuries

Bruxism primarily damages the teeth, but in some cases, individuals might end up biting their cheeks. Pay attention to any unusual lesions or wounds inside your mouth and visit a dentist if they recur frequently.

dentist4. Partner Complaints

If you share a bed with someone, ask them if they notice any unusual behaviors from you during the night. This can include biting, grinding, or chomping.

5. Chronic Fatigue

In some cases, nighttime teeth grinding will occur along with sleep apnea—a chronic condition in which restricted airflow causes you to lose your breath while sleeping. This breathing pattern can cause you to wake momentarily. This can have potentially serious consequences, such as heart problems or stroke. Luckily, both bruxism and sleep apnea can usually be resolved by receiving a custom mouthguard from a dentist, which keeps a person’s airways open and their teeth from coming into contact with one another.


If nighttime tooth grinding is jeopardizing your oral care, Genrich Family Dentistry in Lincoln, NE, offers comprehensive solutions to help you protect your smile, such as a custom night guard. This extra barrier will pad your teeth from friction, helping to keep them intact, as well as ease jaw pain. To learn more about these and other services, visit this local dentist online. To schedule a convenient appointment, call a friendly staff member at (402) 466-2211.
