
You brush and floss your teeth daily to keep them in great shape, but what happens overnight can be just as damaging as slacking on your routine. Sometimes, certain lifestyle habits or unknown conditions can cause dental trauma, which is why dentists commonly recommend night guards. Here is a brief guide to night guards and why your dentist might think you need one. 

Understanding Nighttime Mouth Guards

What Are Night Guards? 

Like athletic mouth guards, night guards are customized plastic devices designed to cushion impact around your teeth. After taking impressions of your smile, dentists can create protective guards that surround your teeth, dissipating impact and keeping your oral tissues safe from the sharp edges of your smile. 

Do I Need a Mouth Guard?  dentist

Night guards can be prescribed for a long list of reasons, but many people use them to ward off symptoms from sleep disorders like bruxism or sleep apnea. Patients with bruxism tend to grind their teeth when they sleep, causing dental chips, fractures, and even tooth loss. Night guards can help prevent injuries even though they will not necessarily stop the grinding. Oral appliances and night guards can also help patients living with sleep apnea, since they can move the lower jaw forward slightly to keep the throat muscles from relaxing. 

Modern night guards are available in several shapes, sizes, and varieties, giving dental patients the chance to tackle multiple oral issues at once. Often, if you need an orthodontic retainer and a bruxism guard, your dentist can create one to handle both issues. 


Whether you have experienced new dental damage or you suspect you grind your teeth, schedule an appointment with a dentist at Genrich Family Dentistry in Lincoln, NE. In addition to focusing on patient health and wellness, this caring team also focuses on making dental experiences comfortable for their patients. If you are interested in setting up an appointment, visit their website, or give them a call at (402) 466-2211.
