
If you have an adventurous cat that loves to spend time outdoors, you’ll have to provide special care. They’re exposed to a number of health and safety risks indoor cats aren’t. Sticking to veterinarian-approved guidelines will ensure they enjoy their time outside of the home without facing any serious consequences.


Try to keep them in enclosed areas.

Whenever possible, keep your cat in enclosed outdoor areas. This can range from a screened-in patio to a fenced-in yard. You want them to enjoy the outside while facing as few threats as possible, such as toxic plants, other cats, or larger animals. Try to limit access to higher areas like trees, fence-tops, or balconies where they may fall.

Get them vaccinated.

veterinarian-yankee-hill-veterinary-hospitalThere are a number of diseases cats can spread to one another, so get your outdoor pet vaccinated by their veterinarian. They’ll avoid conditions like feline leukemia, calicivirus, rabies, and other health complications. They should receive their first kitten vaccinations at six to ten weeks old. Also, consider getting them microchipped in case they were to escape.


Declaw them.

Should your cat come across a threat, they need to be able to defend themselves. Veterinarians also warn that declawing can sometimes lead to pain or infection, which is why this practice is illegal in some areas of the United States.

Move food and litter boxes.

Your outdoor cat still needs indoor amenities, so keep their food and water bowl in an accessible area like the kitchen. You should also keep a litter box even if they go to the bathroom outside. You want them to feel at home whenever they’re indoors, so keep toys, a bed, and other items around.


If your outdoor cat is overdue for a trip to the veterinarian, contact Yankee Hill Veterinary Hospital. This Lincoln, NE, practice provides comprehensive pet care services, including vaccines, dermatology, pet surgery, and general health. They’ve served the area since 2005 and create custom health plans for all their patients. Call (402) 421-8111 to schedule a consultation with a veterinarian and visit their website to learn more about their services.
